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What is piezo rhinoplasty?

What is piezo rhinoplasty?

In general, just as new technologies are used in other spheres of medicine, it is also applied in rhinoplasty. The latest technology is the Piezotome device.

With the help of the piezotome device, we do not break the bones by blunt traumatizing with tools, as before, we cut them neatly. Piezo ostotomy is called bone cutting. When the bones are cut, the edges are very smooth, controlled and straight, so it is possible to give more beautiful shapes to the nose.

One bone of the nose is humped, and the other bone is depressed, which can be smoothed a little. In addition, we also use the Tour device. With a tourniquet we smooth the bones. Let me inform you that there is no such thing as piezo rhinoplasty. However, ostetomy is performed in rhinoplasty with a piezo device.

Yes, it greatly affects the shape of the nose, if only it is used correctly. I am the 4th or 5th doctor in our country that I started using since 2017. In general, Azerbaijan ranks 4th in the world in terms of the use of Piezotomy apparatus.

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